Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Ok, just kidding. Not to digress, but I love those bumper stickers that say "Jesus is Coming" because I always want to retort with "Look Busy!". Haha, I know, real comedian over here. But in the same thought that Sean had the other day when he put up several links to other resources, I found an amazing talk today about eschatology (the study of last things) while I was on Monergism's website. If you scroll down on the link to June 1st, the eschatology session is the last one. Feel free to download it if not all of the other 6 sessions. I found it very Biblical and Christ glorifying. Enjoy.



  1. Hey, good find man. I'm putting them on my mp3 player ASAP. Any other recommends?

  2. I've also been listening to a series from the late Dr. Boice on Biblical Authority. If you go to the Monergism mp3 site do a search on Boice's name and under Believer's Chapel is that series. Should be 4 talks.

    Also, I've listened to 3 out of 6 talks from the Next Conference from this year, and they have all been superb, but Joshua Harris' talk on "What Are You Built On" has hit hard. Enjoy.

  3. Awesome. Joshua Harris is actually a very good preacher; I always seem to benefit from what he says, and he always seems to say it with clarity and depth of thought. Ever heard of Kevin DeYoung? He's a pretty good speaker, too.

  4. Kevin DeYoung has two talks in those 6, one on Scripture and one on the Church. Both talks were fantastic.

  5. If you ever want to check out his church, it's in Michigan:


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