Thursday, May 26, 2011

What They're Saying 26.05.11

Trevin Wax Interviews the CEO of Covenant Eyes (An Anti-P0rn Program)
'Pornography is an insidious sin that eats away at the heart of our marriages, objectifies women, disqualifies men from ministry, and draws our eyes from the beauty of Christ. We should take every precaution to guard ourselves and our families against the onslaught of sexual temptation that comes through the internet. '
Mike Cosper Reflects on Gender and the TV Show Mad Men
"Our current sense of discontent can lead us to imagine that the past had it right. But while the sexual revolution and radical feminism have eroded much from the home and the family, the cure is not to applaud a return to the values of the 50s and 60s. We watch these shows, where power is centered around men and where women are eager to please, and we laugh along like we're in on the joke. such conservatism is no solution to the gender problems that plague us."
Kevin DeYoung Share Some Thoughts on Patriotism
'I love to hear the national anthem and "God Bless America" and "My Country, Tis of Thee," but not in church where the nations gather to worship the King of all peoples. I love to see the presentation of colors and salute our veterans, but these would be better at the Memorial Day parade or during a time of remembrance at the cemetary. Earthly worship should reflect the on-going worship in heaven. And while there are many Americans singing glorious songs to Jesus there, they are not singing songs about the glories of America.'
Scot McKnight on Universalism, Jeff Cook, and Mark Galli
'Mark Galli, senior managing editor at Christianity Today, responds today to Jeff Cook’s post yesterday. Mark has written a book that will be out shortly that responds to Rob Bell with the title God Wins: Heaven, Hell, and Why the Good News Is Better than Love Wins.'
Tim Challies Takes A Second Look At Whether Beauty Is Misogyny
'It is an interesting question: Does God want a woman to seek to remain attractive to her husband even while she grows older? Is there any significance to her doing this, or not doing this? Evans believes that emphasizing physical beauty, even as a woman ages (or perhaps especially as a woman ages) points to a new kind of misogyny. But after long reflection, I am not convinced. Hear me out here.'

Correction: In an earlier version of this post, I took issue with Scot McKnight giving too much space on his blog to universalists - those who argue that Hell doesn't last forever. On this basis, I suggested that Scot McKnight might also be a closet universalist. Reader Nathan Wall has generously corrected me here; I have corrected the mistake. Sorry.


  1. Hey man. You should check out Scot's most recent post:

    Read the comments--especially Scot's. I think you'll find that Scot brings his views out pretty clearly. Over the last five years of following his blog, he's come out clearly at a number of points about siding with the Church's traditional view on post-mortem judgement. Same thing in his books. Same thing in his reviews of Love Wins.

    Fact is the evangelical world is increasingly divided on this issue, and I for one am glad that Scot is making space for serious discussion between people on different sides of this. Someone has to do this. The Gospel Coalition certainly isn't able to do this particular kind of work; they've positioned themselves to do other important things.

  2. Hey Nate, I've corrected the post and admitted to my mistake at the bottom. Thanks for taking the time to correct me man.

  3. Cool. (Welcome back from the HM!)


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